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Year 1 Maths

Comparing and Ordering Numbers to 100 in Year 1 & 2 Maths
What does 'compare numbers' mean? In Key Stage 1 Maths children learn how to compare the sizes of different numbers. Children start by...

FREE Number Bonds Digital Task Cards (5-Deck Boom Card Bundle)
Digital Task Cards for Maths (5 Deck Set) Pre-K, Preschool, Kindergarten & Reception There are five decks of Boom Cards in this set which...

Number Bonds Explained for Parents
Some kids in my FS2 class were just starting to get the hang of number bonds to 10 when the pandemic hit and schools were closed. I...

Hands-on Addition Activities for Teaching Addition at Home
On this page, you will find online activities and games that young kids can play for free that will actually help them to develop the...

Make Number Lines in PowerPoint in Just 60 Seconds
In my last post about how to teach addition to young kids at home, I suggested several hands-on activities including online and offline...

Paperless, educational, interactive, FREE: Twinkl Go!
Twinkl is a massive educational resource site that is trusted by teachers worldwide. The resources Twinkl provide are carefully designed...

Addition in Primary School: A Visual Guide for Parents
I have put together this visual guide to addition through years 1-4 to give parents a clearer idea of what kind of work their child is...

What do children learn when playing with playdough?
Making play dough is EASY and play dough activities can support any of the 7 areas of learning in the Early Years.
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