I have been using Microsoft Teams for six weeks now to remotely teach my FS2 class. The biggest challenge so far has been being able to speak over 25 young children who all want a chance to talk to me without having to resort to muting them all. ('Meetings' are used for live lessons and students have a microphone on/off button. The teacher is also able to mute all students in one click.)

Here you can see the mic icon is showing that the microphone is ON or UNMUTED.

Whereas here, the mic icon has a line through it, meaning it is OFF or MUTED.
Here are four steps to supporting your teacher in leading productive and communicative meetings:
1. Teach your child to turn on and off their microphone by themself
2. Teach them to keep their microphone off unless they are speaking
3. Turn the microphone off when they finish speaking
2. Teach your child to check if anyone else is speaking before they do
Ensure that your child sticks to these four rules and see their participation increase, benefiting their learning. Your child's outstanding microphone manners will no doubt make him the teacher's new favourite! Not only this but meetings will be much more enjoyable for everyone involved.
A final top tip to leave you with - although I shouldn't really have to tell you this one - don't mute the teacher!!
See also: